Discover St John Singapore:
Our Vision and Mission
The National St. John Council of Singapore (“NSJCS” in short) is the governing body of St John Singapore (SJS), a voluntary welfare Organisation and registered as a society under the Societies Act on 28 July 1970. It is also registered as a Charity and is recognized as an Institution of Public Character (IPC) which allows our donors to enjoy tax deductions. SJS is governed by the Constitution of St John Singapore and in compliance with the Code of Governance for Charities and Institutions of Public Character.
In international dealings with other St John organizations overseas, the St John Singapore shall be known as the St. John Priory of Singapore. The Priory of Singapore is one of the Priories of the Order of St John International, the oldest Order of Chivalry in the world with a history of more than 900 years, and a worldwide movement which provides community-based first aid, healthcare, and support services internationally. St John Singapore was founded in 1885, and we are proud to be the oldest First Aid charity in Singapore.

To be a leading humanitarian and charitable organization, and to serve mankind by relieving pain and suffering.
To promote and encourage the work of St John Singapore in all its aspects and to promote and encourage all works of humanity and charity for the relief of distress, suffering, sickness and danger without any distinction as to race, class or creed, and the extension of the great principles of the Order of St. John embodied in its motto “In the Service of Humanity”.

Temporary St John HQ at St Peter’s Church, Stamford Road (2 April 1951)
- Our History
The origin of St John Singapore dates back over 900 years to Jerusalem. In the 19th century, around 400 years after Henry VIII ended the medieval Priory, a determined group set up the British Order of St John to care for the sick in the Hospitaller tradition and the suffering of workers was one of their main concerns. The movement quickly spread to Britain’s overseas colonies including Singapore.

Prof. J.S. Webster, OStJ
Radiology Professor at the King Edward VII College of Medicine and Radiologist with the General Hospital (present-day Singapore General Hospital), 1935.
Efforts to establish the SJAB locally was taken on by Prof. J. S. Webster, a radiology professor at the King Edward VII College of Medicine and a radiologist at the General Hospital (present-day Singapore General Hospital).
Prof Webster began organising first-aid lectures in Singapore with several doctors and friends to recruit members to form a brigade. Thanks to Prof Webster’s enthusiasm, he was able to rally a sufficient number of first-aiders to form the inaugural division of the uniformed body by September 1938 – and the SJAB was officially established in Singapore.
Six months after the SJAB’s formation, Webster retired and left Singapore for England.
A sufficient number of First Aiders were recruited to form the first division of the uniformed body of the Brigade. Before the outbreak of war in Malaya, the Government incorporated all St. John personnel to form the nucleus of the Medical Auxiliary Service which was part of the Passive Defence Services of Singapore and Malaya. A transport Section was formed, and 28 First Aid Posts were organized and manned in the city.
Our members conducted themselves magnificently throughout the air-raids, and bomb shelling. Many acts of bravery and heroism were performed and many laid down their lives on duty before the fall of Singapore. Others were imprisoned, but they still continued to help with the training they had previously received, without the aid of medical equipment denied to them by the enemy.
Lady Superintendent-in-Chief, the Countess Mountbatten of Burma, C.I.G.B.E., D.C.V.O., Lld., met over 400 St John members in Singapore at the then Government House (Istana). At that gathering St. John in Singapore was re-born. In February 1949 – 1957, the temporary Headquarters was located at St Peter Church at Stamford Road, adjacent to St. Andrew’s School. It was demolished and later became the site of National Library.
Temporary St John HQ at St Peter’s Church, Stamford Road (2 April 1951)
The St. John Council was formed in Singapore and comprised a body of senior and professional Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents who were willing to give their services and specialized knowledge in an advisory capacity to assist and co-ordinate the St. John Ambulance Association and Brigade in its work.
St. John Ambulance Headquarters was again transferred and temporary housed at Gilstead Road. The current St John Ambulance Headquarters at Beach Road was officially opened by late President of Singapore, H.E. Enche Yusof Ishak on 24 June 1960.
A Sub-Centre of the St. John Ambulance Association was formed in the industrialized area of Singapore. With the assistance of the West Area of the Brigade, this Sub-Centre gives lectures in First Aid and Home Nursing to many factory workers. It is now known as Jurong Centre.
The Brigade was reorganised and upgraded to National Headquarters level. This brought our organisation status on par with St. John Ambulance organisations in other independent nations. The Brigade was structured into 4 Districts and 10 Areas. In 1996, the Brigade was again re-structured. The District level was removed, and the Brigade became simply structured into 10 Zones.
St John Singapore reached a new milestone when the London headquarters elevated St John Singapore to that of a Priory in the Order of St John. This elevation placed St John Singapore on par in status with the then nine existing Priories, among which were those of England, the United States, Canada and Australia. It also implied that Singapore would be represented in the Grand Council in London, the governing body of the Order, and would therefore have a voice in charting the future direction of St John internationally. St John Ambulance Singapore was also thereafter renamed as St John Singapore.
The Inauguration Ceremony was held on Saturday, 11 January 2014, at the British High Commission. The then-Lord Prior of the Order, the late Professor Anthony Mellows, OBE, GCStJ, was the officiating dignitary. Prof Mellows and other Priors, Chancellors, Chairmen, CEOs and Sub-Priors from all over the world flew into Singapore for the auspicious occasion. H.E. Antony Phillipson, the British High Commissioner to Singapore, was present as well.
In full pomp and pageantry, the ceremony celebrated the achievement of our island state. The ceremony observed traditional English customs – with Prof Mellows knighting our first Prior, Dr Teh Peng Hooi, KStJ, on behalf of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the Sovereign Head of the Order of St John. At the same time, the ceremony also strived to reflect the multicultural nature of St John Singapore, and the occasion was blessed by the Spiritual Counsellors of the four major faiths in Singapore, with Mr. Shiva Sri U Sundaraj Kurukkal, Ven K Rathanasara, Ustad Sofyan Yadi and Rev Gabriel Liew representing Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and Christianity respectively.
Dr Teh was knighted as a Knight of Justice, and was the first Knight of Justice in Asia.
Today, St John Singapore continues with its work for suffering humanity and assists the Republic of Singapore whenever called upon in all emergencies such as epidemics, clinic and hospital duties. The St. John Ambulances also carry the sick and needy whenever requested. Brigade officers and members continue to provide first-aid coverage at National, public and other events.